Entity Of Faculty Of Agriculture | FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE
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Entity of Faculty of Agriculture

The Faculty of Agriculture is one of three founding faculties of Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (now Universiti Putra Malaysia) in 1971. The faculty began with seven departments, several of which subsequently developed and evolved into separate individual faculties. As at the end of 1998, the Faculty of Agriculture had three academic departments: the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of Plant Protection and Department of Soil Science.

The restructuring exercise at the Universiti Putra Malaysia which began from January 1, 1999, also involved the Faculty of Agriculture. The restructuring exercise at the Faculty was based on the concept of unification or integration of the key elements in the agricultural system i.e. plants, animals, soil, technology and management. Based on this concept, the Faculty of Agriculture now comprises seven departments, namely Crop Science, Plant Protection, Soil Management, Animal Science, Agribusiness and Bioresource Economics, Agriculture Technology and Aquaculture.


Updated:: 27/07/2023 [wazien]