Department Of Aquaculture | FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE
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Department of Aquaculture

Established in September 2007 and is currently located at the Faculty of Agriculture, UPM. Aquaculture is now a thriving field around the world due to increased demand for aquaculture products as a source of protein. Aquaculture is an important component of today's agricultural industry. The main purpose of this department change is to produce skilled and knowledgeable graduates in science and technology and to ensure that these graduates are able to manage aquaculture projects to enhance the development of this country's aquaculture field.

Experts in this department have diverse disciplines in aquaculture. Among the areas of focus are Aquaculture Technology, Fish Nutrition Technology, Reproductive Technology, Breeding and Fish Genetic, Fish Health, Aquaculture Biotechnology, Post Harvest and Aquaculture Product Technologies.

The objective of the Aquaculture Department is to:

1) strengthen the education and excellence of education in aquaculture;

2) produce professionals in aquaculture, and 3) contribute to the development of aquaculture, in Malaysia through research of graduates and education.

Updated:: 12/10/2017 [hma]


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 4802
+603-9769 4004