UI Green Metric World University Rankings 2024 | FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE
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UI Green Metric World University Rankings 2024

Congratulations to Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) for achieving the 24th position globally in the UI Green Metric World University Rankings 2024 and maintaining it’s as the most sustainable campus in Malaysia. This achievement is a testament to UPM's commitment to sustainability and environmental well-being.

This improvement reflects UPM's relentless efforts in meeting the six main evaluation criteria:
1. Setting & Infrastructure
2. Energy & Climate Change
3. Waste Management
4. Water Management
5. Transportation
6. Education & Research

Kudos to the entire UPM community for their dedication and collective efforts! May UPM continue to advance as an innovative and sustainable university.
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) berjaya berada di tangga ke-24 dunia dalam UI Green Metric Rankings 2024 dan mengekalkan kedudukan sebagai kampus paling lestari di Malaysia merupakan bukti komitmen UPM terhadap kelestarian dan kesejahteraan alam sekitar.
Peningkatan ini mencerminkan usaha gigih UPM dalam memenuhi enam kriteria penilaian utama, iaitu:

1. Setting & Infrastructure
2. Energy & Climate Change
3. Waste Management
4. Water Management
5. Transportation
6. Education & Research

Syabas kepada seluruh warga UPM atas dedikasi dan usaha bersama ini! Semoga UPM terus maju sebagai universiti yang berinovasi dan lestari.

Date of Input: 27/12/2024 | Updated: 27/12/2024 | wazien


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 4802
+603-9769 4004