Guide To Healthy Soils Workshop 2018 ( 3-4 Feb ) | FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE
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Guide to Healthy Soils Workshop 2018 ( 3-4 Feb )

Guide to Healthy Soils Workshop 2018

Date and Time

03 and 04 Feb. 2018 (Saturday and Sunday); 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (for the two days)

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What is the workshop about?

If you are a:

  • urban gardener
  • farming hobbyist or enthusiast
  • farmer, or
  • land owner thinking of using your land for farming

then this workshop is for you. This workshop provides you the science and technical knowledge about:

  • the properties of soils and what make them fertile or healthy,
  • maintaining or improving soil fertility for your plants and trees, and
  • diagnosing and mitigating common plant problems.


Should I attend?

No knowledge in soil or plant science is required, only a keen interest in gardening or farming! You should attend this workshop if you wish to go beyond the cursory knowledge and into a deeper understanding about healthy soils.


What topics are being taught?

The workshop is over two days, where for each day, the lecture begins in the morning for three hours (with a break), followed by lunch, then hands-on practice for the next three hours.

At the end of the course, you should be able to answer the following questions:

  1. What makes a healthy soil?
  • Are all soils the same? The soil chemical and physical properties that make up a soil.
  • What are the important plant nutrients, and how do I know their availability in my soil?
  • How important is soil organic matter?
  • What is the difference between a compost and a mulch, and should I use them?


  1. Fertilizing my plants
  • What are the differences between the various fertilizer types (organics vs synthetics)?
  • I have a land, so what soil elements should I have tested, and how do I interpret the soil tests results?
  • How much fertilizers should I apply?
  • Is watering my plants with rice water any good?
  • Signs of plant problems: fruit or flower abortion, leaf drops, and nutrient deficiencies


  1. Watering my plants
  • How do soils store water?
  • How much water should I water my plants?
  • What are the different irrigation types and what are their advantages and drawbacks?


You will also have hands-on practice on the following:

  • Different types of soil media and their preparation
  • How to make a compost
  • Interpreting soil test results
  • Fertilizer calculation
  • Preparing a wick irrigation


Medium of instruction


Workshop fee

The workshop fee is RM500 per person, but payments received on or before Dec 31, 2017 will receive a 10% discount.

On or before Dec 31, 2017  RM450
Jan 1, 2018 and onward  RM500

The fee includes notes handouts, lunch, and snacks. Please bring your own notebook and stationery for notes taking. Also dress suitably for outdoor gardening work.

Payment methods:

Please pay RM450 (if before Jan. 1, 2018) or RM500 (if on or after Jan. 1, 2018) by either:

1) Direct (online) bank in.

Account name: The Malaysian Society of Soil Science
Bank: CIMB Bank Berhad
Account No. 8602990800
Branch code: 1212
Swift code: CTBBMYKL
Bank Address: Ground Floor, Block B, Bangunan Pusat Pelajar Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

After direct (online) bank in, send proof of payment to:
Dr. Christopher Teh

2) Cheque.

Please make it payable to "THE MALAYSIAN SOCIETY OF SOIL SCIENCE", and mail the cheque to:
Dr Christopher Teh Boon Sung
Dept. of Land Management,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Uni. Putra Malaysia,
43400 SERDANG,


Workshop registration

Recommended: How do I register?

Click here to register


Please give your details to:

Dr. Christopher Teh Boon Sung

Office No. 03-89474858 (direct line)

HP: 012-6330520



Venue of workshop

Block B, Dept. of Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Uni. Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor


Uni. Putra Malaysia  Eats, Shoots and Roots  


Date of Input: 29/11/2017 | Updated: 04/08/2021 | syazreena


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 4802
+603-9769 4004