» DEPARTMENT » Department of Land Management » Research


Bidang penyelidikan tumpuan jabatan adalah dalam: (The main fields of research in this department are in:)

Dr. Adibah Mohd Amin
Dr. Mohd Firdaus Sulaiman
Dr. Mohd Firdaus Mohd Anuar
Dr. Arina Shairah Abdul Shukor

Prof. Madya Dr. Radziah Othman
Dr. Noraini Jaafar

Prof. Datin Dr. Rosenani Abu Bakar                    
Mohd Rizal Ariffin (tutor)

Dr. Christopher Teh Boon Sung
Dr. Syaharudin Zaibon
Isharudin Md Isa

Prof. Dr. Mohd Hanafi Musa
Prof. Dr. Che Fauziah Ishak
Dr. Samsuri Abd. Wahid
Ainul Faizah Mahmud (tutor)

Penyelidikan terkini di jabatan ini adalah seperti berikut: (The current research in this department are as follows:)


Ketua Projek (Project Leader)

Senarai Projek (Project Title)

Sumber Geran (Source of Funding)

Prof. Dr. Shamshuddin Jusop

Weathering of pyrite in hydromorphic soils under oxidising environment.


Improving rice production on acid sulfate soils in Malaysia.


Soil carbon sequestration by quartz-rich Spodosol under tropical environment.


Elimination Al and/or Fe(II) toxicity using natural silicate, lime and/or organic matter.


Quantifying carbon dioxide emitted by peat soil soils overlying mineral deposits containing sulfidic material.


Soil organic matter stabilization in contrasting soils due to interactions with iron and aluminium oxides.


Alleviation of Al toxicity in an Oxisol using biochar.


Program peningkatan hasil padi di Merbok, Kedah secara lestari.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radziah Othman

Biodiversity of Soil Microorganisms Using Conventional Method.


Influence of oil palm root exudates on arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization.


Influence of Iron(Fe) and Molybdenum (Mo) on Nitrogen Fixation and Phosphate Solubilization in Aerobic Rice Inoculated with Beneficial Microorganisms.


Dr. Christopher Teh Boon Sung


Development of a spreadsheet software for students who are non-computer programmers to build and run mathematical models.

Insentif Penyelidikan dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (GIPP)

The use of silt pits in non-terraced hill slopes to conserve soil nutrients and to reduce water stress in oil palm trees.


Infiltration under oil palm plantation: Heterogeneities from canopy to interspace.


Mechanism of vertical water movement under oil palm plantation during and after rainfall.


Deveploment of pedotransfer functions for Malaysian soils.

UTM Short Term Research Grant – Foreign Academic Visitor Fund

Senarai Terbitan Terpilih (Selected List of Publications)

  1. A.B.Rosenani, S. Zauyah, S. Kulaseharan and N.Jamaluddin. 2011. Effects of Ten Year Application of Empty Fruit Bunches in an Oil Palm Plantation on Soil Chemical Properties. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. Vol. 89:341-349
  2. Abdu, A., S. Tanaka, S. Jusop, N.M Majid, Z. Ibrahim, M.E. Wasli and K. Sakurai. 2008. Assessment on soil fertility status and growth performance of planted dipterocarp species in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. J. Applied. Sci. 8:1-11.
  3. Ahmadpour, P., A. Mat Nawi, A. Arifin, A. H. Hazandy, D.K. Singh, H. Affendy, M. Nik Muhamad and J. Shamshuddin . 2010. Uptake of heavy metals by Jatropa curcus L. planted in soils containing sewage sludge. Amer. J. Appl. Sci. 7(10): 1291-1299.
  4. AizaShaliha, J., A. Arifin, A.H. Hazandy, S. Abdul-Latif, N.M. Majid and J. Shamshuhdin. 2012. Emphasizing the properties of soils occurring in the different land use types of tropical rain forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. African J. Agric. Res. 7(48): 6479-6487.
  5. Akbar, M.H., O.H. Ahmed, A.S. Jamaluddin, N.M. Nik Abd Majid, H. Abdul-Hamid, J. Shamshuddin, A. Hassan, K.H. Yusof and A. Arifin. 2010. Differences in soil physical and chemical properties of rehabilitated and secondary forest. Amer. J. Appl. Sci. 7(9): 1200-1209.
  6. Akma, N.M.H., Samsuri, A.W., Ainie, H.K. A.B., Rosenani 2009. Sorption-Desorption Study of a Herbicide 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid on Acidic Tropical Soils. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science Vol. 13: pp 119-131.
  7. Anda, M., J.Shamshuddin, C.I. Fauziah and S.R. Syed Omar. 2010. Increasing the organic matter content of an Oxisol using rice husk compost: changes in the composition and  its chemistry. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 74:1167-1180.
  8. Ariffin A., Karam D.S., Shamshuddin J, Majid N.M., Radziah O., Hazandy AH and  Zahari I. 2012. Proposing a suitable soil quality index for natural, secondary and rehabilitated tropical forests in Malaysia. African J. Biotech 11(14):3297-3309.
  9. Arifin Abdu, Najihah Aderis, Hazandy Abdul-Hamid, J. Shamshuddin, Daljit Singh Karam  and Khairulmazni Ahmad. 2011. Using Orthosiphon staminues B. for  phytoremidiation of heavy metals in soils amended with sewage sludge. Amer. J.  Appl. Sci. 8(4): 323-331.
  10. Bahi Jalili She-Bardan,  R. Othman, S. Abd Wahid, F. Sadegh-Zadegh and A. Husin. 2012. Biosorption of heavy metals in leachate derived from gold mine tailings using Aspergilus fumigatus. Clean-Soil, Air, Water, 1-9.
  11. Bahi Jalili She-Bardan, Radziah Othman., Samsuri Ab Wahid, Aminudin Husin and Fardin Sadegh-Zadegh. 2012. Column bioleaching of arsenic and heavy metals from gold mine tailings by Aspergillus fumigatus. Clean-Soil, Air Water. 1-8.
  12. Bahi Jalili She-Bardan, Radziah Othman., Samsuri Ab Wahid, Aminudin Husin and Fardin Sadegh-Zadegh. 2012.  Bioleaching of heavy metals from gold mine tailings by Aspergillus fumigates. Bioremed. J. 2012. In  press. DOI:10.1080/10889868.2012.665958.
  13. Cheah, S.S, Zaharah, A.R. and Aminuddin. H. 2010. Biological Nitrogen Fixation by Mucuna bracteata under Oil Palm Field Environments. Oil Palm Bull No. 60 (May 2010): 22-27
  14. Chintu, R.. Matakala, P.M. and Zaharah, A. R. 2008. Decomposition and nitrogen mineralization of leaves of P. falcataria in an ultisol  under field conditions.  IAEA-TECHDOC-1606:221-231.
  15. D, Dourado-Neto, D. Powlson, R. Abu Bakar, O.O.S. Bacchi, M.V. Basanta, P. Thi Cong, G. Keerthisinghe, M. Ismail, S.M. Rahman, K. Reichardt, M.S.A. Safwat, R. Sangakkara, L.C. Timm, J.Y. Wang, E. Zagal, and C. van Kessel. 2010. Multiseason Recoveries of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen-15 in Tropical Cropping Systems. Soil Science Society of American Journal. Vol. 74:pp 139-152.
  16. D.R.Kala, A.B.Rosenani, C.I.Fauziah, S.H.Ahmad, O.Radziah and A.Rosazlin. 2011. Comercial organic fertilizer and their labeling in Malaysia. Malaysia Journal of Soil Science. Vol. 15: pp 147-157.
  17. Daljit Singh Karam, Arifin Abdu, O. Radziah, J. Shamshuddin, Hazandy Abdul-Hamid, Nik M. Majid, Mohanaselvi Panicker and Nor Halizah Abd. Halim. 2011. Assessing soil  biological properties of natural and planted forestin the Malaysian Tropical Lowland  Dipterocarp forest. Amer. J. Appl. Sci. 8(9): 854-859.
  18. Elisa Azura, A., J. Shamshuddin and C.I. Fauziah. 2011. Root elongation, root surface area and organic acids by rice seedlings under Al3+ and/or H+ stress. Amer. J. Agric. Bio.  Sci. 6(3): 324-331.
  19. Enio, M.S.K., J. Shamshudin, C.I, Fauziah and M.H.A. Husni. 2011. Pyritization of the coastal sediments in the Malay Peninsula during the Holocene. Amer. J. Agric. Bio.  Sci. 6(3): 393-402.
  20. Fiantis, D., M. Nelson, E. Van Ranst, J. Shamshuddin  and N.P. Qafoku. 2009. Chemical weathering of new pyroclastic deposits from Mt Merapi (Java), Indonesia. J. Mt. Sci. 6: 240-254.
  21. Fiantis, D., M. Nelson, J. Shamshuddin, T.B. Goh and E. Van Ranst. 2010. Leaching experiments in recent tephra deposits from Talang volcano (West Sumatra), Indonesia. Geoderma 156:161-172.
  22. Fiantis, D., M. Nelson, J. Shamshuddin, T.B. Goh and E. Van Ranst. 2010. Determination of geochemical weathering indices and trace elements contents of new volcanic ash deposits from Mt Talang (West Sumatra), Indonesia. Eurasian Soil Sci. 43 (13): 1-9.
  23. Fiantis, D., M. Nelson, J. Shamshuddin, T.B. Goh and E. Van Ranst. 2011. Changes in the chemical and mineralogical properties of Mt Talang volcanic ash in West Sumatra  during the initial weathering phase. Commun. Soil & Plant Anal. 42:569-585.  DOI:10.1080/00103624.2011.546928.
  24. Gikonyo, E.W, Zaharah, A.R., Hanafi, M.M., and Anuar, A.R. 2010. Phosphorus Leaching in an Acid Tropical Soil “Recapitalized” with Phosphate Rock and Triple Superphosphate. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL: TSW Environment 10, 1495-1508. DOI 10.1100/tsw.2010.156.
  25. Gikonyo, E.W, Zaharah, A.R., Hanafi, M.M., and Anuar, A.R. 2010. Comparison of soil phosphorus tests for assessing plant availability of phosphorus in an Ultisol amended with water-soluble and phosphate rock sources. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL: TSW Environment 10, 1679–1693. DOI 10.1100/tsw.2010.174.
  26. Gikonyo, E.W, Zaharah, A.R., Hanafi, M.M., and Anuar, A.R. 2010. Extractable Bray-1 phosphorus and crop yields as influenced by addition of phosphatic fertilizers of various solubilities integrated with manure in an acid soil.  Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst J. 88:79–90
  27. Gikonyo, E.W., Zaharah, A.R., Hanafi, M.M and Anuar, R. 2008.  Evaluation of phosphorus pools and fractions in an acid tropical soil recapitalized with different phosphorus sources. Comm. In Soil Sci. Plant Anal.39:1385-1405
  28. Gikonyo, E.W., Zaharah, A.R., Hanafi, M.M., and Anuar, A.R. 2011. Degree of phosphorus saturation and soil phosphorus thresholds in an Ultisol amended with triple superphosphate and phosphate rocks.  The Scientific World JOURNAL: TSW Environment 11:1421–1441. DOI 10.1100/tsw.2011.131.
  29. Hadi, A., Fatah, L., Affandi, D.N., Rosenani, A.B. and Inubushi. K. 2012. Population and Genetic Diversities of Bacteria Related to Nitrous Oxide and Methane in Peat Soils of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science 16:121-135
  30. Hafsah Nahrawi, Husni M.H.A. and  Radziah O. 2012. Labile carbon and carbon management index in peat planted with various crops. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analysis, 43:1647-1657.
  31. Hamzah, M.Z., A. Ariffin, A.K. Zaidey, A.N. Azirim, I. Zahari, A.H. Hazandy, H. Affendy, M.E  Wasli, J. Shamshuddin and M. NikMuhamad. 2009. Characterizing soil nutrient status  and growth performance of planted dipterocap  and non-diptrocap species on degraded  land in Peninsular Malaysia. J. Appl. Sci. 9(22): 1-9.
  32. Heshmati, M., A. Arifin, J. Shamshuddin and N.M. Majid. 2012. Predicting N, P, K and organic carbon depletion in soils using MPSIAC model at the Merek catchment, Iran. Geoderma 175-176: 64-77.
  33. Heshmati, M., A. Arifin, J. Shamshuddin, N.M Majid and M. Ghaiture. 2011. Factors affecting landslide occurrence in agro-ecological zones in the Merek catchment, Iran. Journal of Arid Environments. 75(11): 1072-1082.
  34. Jalloh, M.B., Wan Sulaiman, W.H., Jamal, T., Ramlan, M.D., Rajan, A., Teh, C.B.S. & Osumanu, H.A. 2009. A simulation model estimates of the intercropping advantage of an immature-rubber, banana and pineapple system. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 4: 249-254.
  35. Kala D.R., A.B. Rosenani, L.A.Thohirah, I. Fauziah and S.H.Ahmad. 2012. Oil palm waste-sewage slude compost as a peat substitute in a soilless potting medium for chrysanthemum. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Agriculture and Biology. Vol. 12
  36. Kala D.R., Rosenani A.B., Fauziah C.I. Ahmad S.H., Radziah O. and Rosazlin A. 2011. Commercial organic fertilizers and their labeling in Malaysia. Malaysian J. Soil Sci. 15:147-157.
  37. Kala, D.R., Rosenani. A.B., C.I Fauziah and L.A.Thohirah 2009. Composting Oil Palm Wastes and Sewage Sludge For Use in Potting Media of Ornamental Plants. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science Vol. 13: pp 77-91.
  38. Karam D.S., Ariffin A., Radziah O., Shamshuddin J., Majid N.M., Hazandy A.H., Zahari I., Nor Halizah A.H. and Rui T.X. 2012. Impact of long-term forest enrichment planting on the biological status of soil in a deforested dipterocarp forest in Perak, Malaysia. The Scientific World J. 2012. DOI:10.1100/2012/641346 .
  39. Karam, D.S.,  A. Arifin, O. Radziah, J. Shamshuddin,  N.M. Majid, A.H. Hazandy, I. Zahari, A.H. Nor Halizah and T.X. Rui. 2012. Impact of long-term forest inrichment planting the biological status of soils in a deforested Dipterocarp forest in Perak, Malaysia. The Scientific World Journal. Doi:10.1100/2012/641346.
  40. Lau, C.C., Zaharah, A.R., Husni, M.H.A.  andSiti Nor Akmar, A. 2012. Evaluation of nitrogen uptake efficiency of different oil palm genotypes using N-15 isotope labeling method.  Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. 35(4):755-766 (IF=0.32)
  41. Lee, C.T., Zaharah, A.R., Hanafi, M.M., MohdShahkirat, N. and Tan, C.C. 2011. Leaf nutrient concentrations in oil palm as affected by genotypes, irrigation and terrain. J. Oil Palm and Environ.2:38-47.doi:10.5366/jope.2011.05
  42. Lee, Y.P., Teh, C.B.S., Goh, K.J. & Moraidi, A. 2012. Effects of four soil conservation methods on soil aggregate stability. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science, 16: 43-56.
  43. Liew, V.K., Zaharah, A.R., Hanafi, M.M. and Aminudin, H. 2010. Empty Fruit Bunches Application and Oil Palm Root Proliferation. J. Oil Palm Res. 22:750-757.
  44. Liew, V.K., Zaharah, A.R., Hanafi, M.M. and Aminudin, H. 2010. Nutrient absorption by oil palm primary root and the effects of empty fruit bunches application in enhancing nutrient uptake.  J. Oil Palm Res. 22:711-720.
  45. Liew, V.K., Zaharah, A.R., Hanafi, M.M. and Aminudin, H. 2012. Damage to oil palm roots and their effects on leaf nutrient levels. J Oil Palm Res. 24:1343-1348.
  46. M. Sapari, A.S. Nor-Aini, M.Z. Hamzah, A.B.Rosenani, M.F. Ramlan, A.H. Hazandy, and A.L. Senin. 2009. Aboveground Biomass of Selected Provenances of Acacia Mangiumand Acacia AulacocarpaMultiple-leadered Trees. Journal of Agricultural Science. Vol 1: pp 74-82
  47. Markus Anda, J. S.R. Syed Omar, J. Shamshuddin and C.I. Fauziah. 2008. Changes in properties of composting rice husk and their effects on soil and cocoa growth. Commun. Soil & plant Anal. 39: 2221-2249.
  48. Markus Anda, J. Shamshuddin, C.I. Fauziah and S.R. Syed Omar. 2008. Pore space and specific surface area of heavy clay Oxisols as affected by their mineralogy and organic matter. Soil Science 173 (8): 560-574.
  49. Markus Anda, J. Shamshuddin, C.I. Fauziah and S.R. Syed Omar. 2009. Dissolution of ground basalt and its effects on Oxisol chemical properties and cocoa growth. Soil Sci. 174:264-271.
  50. Markus Anda, J. Shamshuddin, I. Fauziah and S.R. Syed Omar. 2008. Mineralogy and factors controlling charge development of three Oxisols developed from different parent materials. Geoderma. 143: 153-167.
  51. Memarian, H., Balasundram, S.K., Talib, J., Teh, C.B.S., Alias, M.S. & Abbaspour, K.C. 2012. KINEROS2 application for LUCC impact analysis at the Hulu Langat Basin, Malaysia, Water and Environment Journal, (First published online), DOI: 10.1111/wej.12002.
  52. Memarian, H., Balasundram, S.K., Talib, J.B., Teh, C.B.S., Alias, M.S., Abbaspour, K.C. & Haghizadeh, A. 2012. Hydrologic analysis of a tropical watershed using KINEROS2. EnvironmentAsia. 5: 84-93.
  53. Memarian, H., S.K. Balasundram, J. Talib, C.B.S. Teh, M.S. Alias & K.C. Abbaspour. 2012. Validation of CA-Markov for simulation of land use and cover change. Journal of Geographic Information System. 4: 542-554.
  54. Moghimi, A.H., J. Hamdan, J. Shamshuddin, A.W. Samsuri and A. Abtahi. 2012. Mineralogy and aggregate stability of soils in the arid region of Southern Iran. African Journal of Agricultural research 7(11): 1639-1649.
  55. Mohamad Hafiz Ibrahim, Hawa Z E.J., Asmah Rahmat and Zaharah, A.R. 2011. The relationship between phenolics and flavanoids production with total non-structural carbohydrate and photosynthetic rates in Lubisia pumilia Benth. Under high CO2 and Nitrogen fertilization. Molecules 16:162-174
  56. Mohd Hafiz Ibrahim ,Hawa Z.E. Jaafar , AsmahRahmat  and  Zaharah Abdul Rahman. 2011. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on synthesis of primary and secondary metabolites in three varieties of Kacip Fatimah (LabisiapumilaBlume). Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2011, 12, 5238-5254; doi:10.3390/ijms12085238.
  57. Mohd Hafiz, I., Hawa Z.J., Asmah, R. and  Zaharah, A. R. 2012.Involvement of nitrogen on flavonoids, glutathione, Anthocyanin, Ascorbic Acid and Antioxidant Activities of Malaysian Medicinal Plant LabisiapumilaBlume (Kacip Fatimah). Int. J. Mol. Sci. 13: 393-408; doi:10.3390/ijms13010393 (IF=2.617)
  58. Mokhtarpour, H., Teh, C.B.S., Saleh, G., Selamat, A.B., Asadi, M.E. & Kamkar, B. 2011. Corn yield response to crowding stress and cropping season. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 57:853-871.
  59. Mokhtarpour, H., Teh, C.B.S., Saleh, G., Selamat, A.B., Asadi, M.E. & Kamkar, B. 2010. Non-destructive estimation of maize leaf area, fresh weight, and dry weight using leaf length and leaf width. Communications in Biometry and Crop Science, 5: 19–26.
  60. Momayezi, M.R., Zaharah, A.R. and Hanafi, M.M. 2012. The Effects of Cation Ratios on Root Lamella Suberization in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) with Contrasting Salt Tolerance. Int. J. Agron 2012, Article ID 769196, 8 pagesdoi:10.1155/2012/769196
  61. Momayezi, M.R., Zaharah, A.R. Hanafi, M.M. and Mohd Razi, I. 2010. Amino acid status in Iranian rice (Oryza sativa L.) as affected by different salt compositions. International Journal of Ecology & Development, Volume 17:77-88
  62. Momayezi, M.R., Zaharah, A.R., Hanafi, M.M. and Mohad Razi, I. 2009. Seed germination and proline accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) as affected by salt concentrations .  Paper submitted to Pertanika: J. Trop. Agric. 32:247-259.
  63. Momayezi, M.R., Zaharah, A.R., Hanafi, M.M. and Mohad Razi, I. 2009. Agronomic characteristics and proline accumulation of Iranian rice genotypes at early seedling stage under sodium salt stress. Malaysia J Soil Sci. 13:58-75.
  64. Moraidi, A., Teh, C.B.S., Goh, K.J., Husni, M.H.A. & Fauziah, C.I. 2012. Evaluation of four soil conservation practices in a nonterraced oil palm plantation. Agronomy Journal. 104: 1727-1740.
  65. MosayebHesmati, Arifin Abdu, ShamshuddinJusop and Nik Muhammad Majid. 2011. Effects of land use practices on organic carbon content, cation exchange capacity and aggregate stability of soils in the catchement zones. Amer. J. Appl. Sci. 8(12): 1363-1373.
  66. Mutalib A.A., Radziah O., Shukor Y. and Naher U.A. 2012. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on hydrolytic enzyme production, root colonization, N metabolism, leaf physiology and growth of rice inoculated with Bacillus sp. (Sb42). Aust. J. Crop Sci. 6(9):1383-1389.
  67. Naher U.A., Othman R., Shamsuddin Z.H., Saud H.M., Ismail M.R. and Rahim K.A. 2011. Effect of root exuded specific sugars on biological nitrogen fixation and growth promotion in rice (Oryza sativa). Australian J. Crop Sci. 5(10):1210-1217.
  68. Naher U.A., Saleque MA, Panhwar Q.A., Radziah O., Jusop S.  2011.Techniques of efficient fertilizer management for wetland rice-a review. Australian J. Crop Sci. 5(12):1661-1669.
  69. Nahrawi H., Husni M.H.A., Othman R. and Bah A. 2011. Decomposition of leaf and fine root residues of three different crop species in tropical peat under controlled condition. Malaysian J. Soil Sci. 15:63-74.
  70. Ng L.C., Sariah M., Sariam O., Radziah O, Zainal Abidin MA. 2012. Rice seed bacterization for promoting germination and seedling  growth under aerobic cultivation system. Australian J Crop Sci. 6(1):170-175.
  71. Ng, L.C., Sariah, M., Sariam, O., Radziah, O. and Zainal Abidin M.A. 2012. Bioefficacy of microbial-fortified rice straw compost on rice blast disease severity, growth and yield of aerobic rice. Australasian Plant Patho. DOI 10.1007/s13313-012-0145-3.
  72. Othman R., Naher, U. A. and Abdul Hamed S. I. 2012. Effect of paraquat on growth of diazotrophic strain Stenotrophomonas maltophila in flooded soil. African J. Microbiol. Res. 6(23):4939-4944.
  73. Panhwar Q.A., Radziah O., Khanif Y.M. and Naher U.A. 2011. Application of boron and zinc in the tropical soils and its effect on maize (Zea mays) growth and soil microbial environment. Australian J. Crop Sci. 5(12): 1649-1654.
  74. Panhwar Q.A., Radziah O., Naher U.A., Zaharah A.R., Sariah M. and Mohd Razi I. 2012. Root colonization and association of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria at various levels of triple supper phosphate in aerobic rice seedlings. African J. Microbiol. Res. 6(10):2277-2286.
  75. Panhwar Q.A., Radziah O., Zaharah A.R., Sariah M., Mohd. Razi I. 2011. Role of phosphate solubilizing bacteria on rock phosphate solubility and growth of rice. J. Environ. Biol. 32: 607-612.
  76. Panhwar Q.A., Radziah O., Zaharah, AR, Sariah M and Mohd razi Ismail. 2012. Isolation and characterization of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria from aerobic rice. African J. Biotech 11(11):2711-2712
  77. Panhwar, Q.A., O. Radziah, A. Zaharah Rahman, M. Sariah, I. MohdRazi and U.A.Naher. 2012. Root colonisation and association of phosphate-solubilising bacteria at various levels of triple super phosphate in aerobic rice seedlings. African J. of Microbiol. Res. 6(10):2277-2286 ISSN 1996-0808 (IF=0.564)
  78. Panhwar, Q.A., O. Radziah, A. Zaharah Rahman, M. Sariah, I. MohdRazi and U.A.Naher. 2012. Contribution of phosphate-solubilisingbanteria in phosphorus bioavailability and growth enhancement of aerobic rice. Spanish J. Agric. Res. 9(3):810-820. ISSN 1695-971X (IF=0.62)
  79. Panhwar, Q.A., Radziah, O. Zaharah, A.R., Sariah, M and Mohd Razi, I. 2012. Isolation and characterization of phosphate-solubilizingbacteria from aerobic rice. African J. Biotech. 11:2711-2719. DOI: 10.5897/AJB10.2218 (IF=0.573)
  80. Panhwar, Q.A., Radziah, O., Zaharah, A.R., Sariah, M. and Mohd Razi, I. 2011. Role of phosphate solubilizing bacteria on rock phosphate solubility and growth of aerobic rice. J. Environ. Biol. 32:607-612.
  81. Pasaribu A., Rosli B.M., Yahya A., Radziah O., Adam P. 2011. Growth and development of symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Glomus mossea (Nicol. And Gerd), in alachlor and glyphosate treated soils. African J. Biotech. 10(55): 11520-11526.
  82. Rosenani. A.B, D.R Kala, and C.I Fauziah. 2008. Characterization of Malaysian Sewage Sludge and Nitrogen Mineralization in Three Soils Treated with Sewage Sludge. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science Vol. 12: pp 103-112.
  83. Roslan, I. J. Shamshuddin, C.I. Fauziah and A.R Anuar. 2010. Occurrence and properties of soils on sandy beach ridges in the Kelantan-Terengganu Plains, Peninsular Malaysia. CATENA 83 (1): 55-63.
  84. Roslan, I., J. Shamshuddin, C.I. Fauziah and A.R. Anuar. 2011. Fertility and suitability of the Spodosols formed on sany beach ridges interspersed with swales in the Kelantan-Terengganu Plains of Malaysia for kenaf production. Malays. J. Soil Sci. 15. 1-24.
  85. S.M.J. Jariani, A.B. Rosenani, A.W. Samsuri, A.J.Shukor, H.K. Ainie 2010. Adsorption and Desorption of Glufosinate Ammonium in Soils Cultivated with Oil Palm in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science Vol 14: pp 41-52.
  86. Saberi, A.R., Siti Aishah, H., Halim, R.A. and Zaharah, A.R. 2011. Morphology and yield of ratoon forage sorghums under varying salinity and irrigation frequency. J. Food, Agric. And Environ. 9(3&4):618-621.
  87. Saberi, A.R., Siti Aishah, H., Halim, R.A. and Zaharah, A.R. 2011. Morphological responses of  forage sorghums to salinity and irrigation frequency.  African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 10(47):9647-9656.
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Updated:: 18/09/2018 [chris]


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