Faculty Of Agriculture Occupational, Safety And Health (OSH) Week 2018 | FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE
» NEWS » Faculty of Agriculture Occupational, Safety and Health (OSH) Week 2018

Faculty of Agriculture Occupational, Safety and Health (OSH) Week 2018

In conjunction with the OSH Week, the Faculty of Agriculture has organized various activities related to occupational safety and health on the 18th - 21st September 2018. The OSH Week is the third annual activity since it was introduced in 2016 at the Faculty of Agriculture. The purpose of this week was to provide exposure to all staff and students of the Faculty of Agriculture on the importance of OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) issues in the workplace.
Among the activities that had been carried out are Safety Laboratory and Best Farm Practice Briefing, Healthy Lifestyle Talk, Occupational Health and Safety Management Course (JKKP), BOMBA Briefing, and Laboratory Safety Briefing for pre-graduate students as well as postgraduate students from the Faculty of Agriculture. Other activities are also held to attract staff and students to participate in the OSH activities such as the OSH Race Competition which is participated by nine (9) groups comprising lecturers, implementing staff and also the implementation. In addition, the faculty also holds the OSH Short Video Creation Competition.

In appreciation of faculty staff who contributed much in the OSH, several awards were awarded such as the FP 2018 Safe Work Award (Physiology Laboratory, Department of Science The Best KKP Employers Award 2018 (Dr. Shokri Jusoh, Department of Animal Science and Pn.Noor Azwa Zulkaliph @ Zulkifli, Department of Crop Science), as well as Best Quality KKP Workers FP 2018 (Mr. Siti Nadirah Dasar, 10 and Pn Farms Asmalina Abu Bakar, Department of Plant Protection).
OSH Opening Ceremony
demostration for the Healthy Lifestyle Talk
BOMBA breafing from one of the Fire Brigade Officer
One of the task for OSH Race
Participant trying their best to complete the OSH Race quizes

Date of Input: 27/09/2018 | Updated: 02/10/2018 | amirahhani


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