Services/Facilities | FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE
» DEPARTMENT » Department of Agribusiness and Bioresource Economics » Services/Facilities



Academic Consultancy

JPSM offers the knowledge and experience of the departmental staff to external organisations on a consultancy basis. This relationship provides external organisations with access to a diverse and expansive knowledge base. The department undertakes projects which will result in well-informed practical solutions to the latest agribusiness problems. The departmentalstaffs have a wealth of experience in sectors including agribusinesssupply chain, economics, finance, forecasting, marketing and consumerism.

Research Collaboration

Most of ourDepartment's research is judged to be of international quality. The department can partner with external organization to conduct research into a specific subject to enhance the organisation. Our acclaimed researchfacilities ensure that global agribusinesses enjoy the real benefits that are brought about through utilising the latest innovations, pioneering ideas and cutting edgeagribusiness research. Here at Department of Agribusiness and Information Systems, we have highly qualified researchers who are competent in the fields of Agribusiness.The strength of our research underpins the good reputation of the Department.

Extension Training 

The department offers tailored extension training and program in educates farm producers, professionals stakeholders and decision makers on agribusiness production, marketing, forecasting and financial management.The department also addresses areas where strategic and operational management changes are needed to improve progress toward business and family goals, includingfarm management and production.  Through our recognised portfolio of extension training programs, it means our programs enable your employees to put their new knowledge and skills to immediate practical use. An employee who understands the very latest agribusiness ideas can bring a return on investment that exceeds the fees many times over. Through investment in your people, your business, whether local or global, large or small, will realise quality improvements, innovations, strategic plans and new ideas to take your organisation forward into the future.


Computer Facilities

In addition to University provided computer resources, our Department in addition provides resources solely for our students and faculty members within the Faculty of Agriculture.  The lab features fully-switched fast ethernet computer network with 20 PCs, a screen sharing system, and a projector. All the PCs have windows based applications like SAS, Matlab, E-View, Adobe Creative Suite, and Microsoft Office. CD/DVD burners, scanners, monochrome and colour laser printers are also available. When not scheduled for a class the lab is available for drop-in use. Students are needed to register for accounts to begin utilizing the cluster.

Updated:: 03/02/2016


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 4802
+603-9769 4004