Congratulation To Prof Dr. Mohd Rafii Yusof | FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE
» NEWS » Congratulation to Prof Dr. Mohd Rafii Yusof

Congratulation to Prof Dr. Mohd Rafii Yusof

PUTRAJAYA, Nov 1 – Three Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) lecturers, Prof. Dr. Jinap Selamat, Asoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Hong Ngee and Prof. Dr. Mohd Rafii Yusof received  Malaysia’s Rising Star Awards (MRSA) by Higher Education Minister, Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh.

Prof. Dr. Jinap, who lectures at the Department of Food Sciences, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, received the Frontier Researcher award; Prof. Dr. Rafii, a lecturer at Crop Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, obtained the International Collaboration award while Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim, a Chemistry Department lecturer of the Science Faculty, was named the “Young Researcher” recipient.

Date of Input: | Updated: | amir_peli


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