High Dependency Of Herbicides Usage For Weed Management | FAKULTI PERTANIAN
» ARTIKEL » High dependency of herbicides usage for weed management

High dependency of herbicides usage for weed management

High dependency of herbicides usage for weed management in Malaysia has led to emergence of herbicide resistance in weeds, ecological imbalance between harmful and beneficial organisms, and contribution to environmental pollution. This, hence, demands for a more natural way for weed management.
New innovation from UPM researcher successfully invented a ready-to-use 'Bioherbicide Nanoemulsion Composition' containing novel active ingredient from wild tomato, which has been found as EFFECTIVE alternative to the current chemical herbicides for eco-friendly sustainable weed management with LOWER COST as compared to commercial herbicides.
We are looking for collaborators to bring this innovation to community and industries.
Drop an email to promosi@upm.edu.my; or contact 03-97691653/2188/2187 for further inquiries.

Tarikh Input: 29/03/2024 | Kemaskini: 29/03/2024 | wazien


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 4802
+603-9769 4004