Live Food In Aquaculture Workshop | FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE

Event Title
Live Food in Aquaculture Workshop
15 Dec 2022 - 15 Dec 2022
08.30 - 05.00
Agriculture Hall
Event Summary
Assalamualaikum wbt and good day to all. YBhg Tan Sri/ Datuk/ Dato'/ Professor/ Dr/ Sir/ Madam, We are pleased to announce that Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Bioscience, and International Institute of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences (i-AQUAS), UPM in collaboration with Malaysian Fisheries Society will be organizing a "Live Food in Aquaculture Workshop". Details of the workshop are as follows: 🗓️ Date: 14 - 15 December 2022. ⏱️ Time: 8.30 am to 5.00 pm 🏫 Venue: Dewan Pertanian, Fakulti Pertanian and Tongkat Ali Room, Institute of Bioscience, UPM 💻Lecture Session (14 December): Free of Charge 💵 Workshop Registration Fee (15 December): RM 500.00 This workshop aims to give exposure on the theory and importance of live food in aquaculture and train participants in the plankton culture techniques for aquaculture usage. All sessions will be delivered by experienced researchers and practitioners in this area. Certificates will be awarded to all participants. For further details and inquiries, please refer to the poster and tentative attached. To register, kindly click the link below: We look forward to seeing you in the workshop. It would be very much appreciated if you could help disseminate this information to your colleagues, individuals, or other parties who might be interested in joining us in this workshop. Thank you.

Updated:: 15/12/2022 [wazien]

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Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 4802
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