Bachelor Dissertation | FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE
» UNDERGRADUATE » Bachelor Dissertation

Bachelor Dissertation

Kursus ini merangkumi sorotan bahan rujukan, penggunaan teknik penyelidikan yang sesuai, pengumpulan dan analisis data, penafsiran keputusan, perbincangan, kesimpulan dan keaslian kajian saintifik dalam projek penyelidikan. Pelajar dikehendaki mengambil (9) kredit berkaitan dengan Disertasi Bacelor, merangkumi projek A dan B.

This course covers literature review, use of appropriate research techniques, data collection and analyses, interpretation of results, discussion, conclusion and originality of scientific studies in research project. Students are required to fulfills a total of (9) credits will be related to the Bachelor's Dissertation from the listed courses.

Updated:: 20/09/2022 [syazreena]

